Tuesday, 30 December 2014

2015 Resoultions

1. Stop Eating Crap and Move My Arse
Bit of a stereotypical one to start with, I know - sorry!

Healthy living has never been one of my strong points. My diet basically consists of brown and yellow foods... and that is it. I massively over salt everything and can barely go any hour without a sugar fix. Anything that can be classed as remotely healthy just does not do it for me, and so is avoided at all costs. But I'm not a student anymore! As I'm getting older, I just can't get away with it like I used to. My skin is dull, I have permanent dark circles under my eyes, and my hair and nails are brittle. I just look unhealthy, and if that's on the outside I dread to think what my insides look like. No matter how hard it will be (any tips anyone?!), in the new year I definitely need to make an effort to eat more consciously.

As for exercise, when I was at university I was pretty good at hitting the gym regularly. I loved the adrenaline rush you get after a good workout and didn't mind getting the joggers on. Then I started working full time. And despite having a free gym in my building, after work I just cannot find it in me to drag my ass off the sofa and hit it. This needs to change, I need to get back into a good routine. It is embarrassing getting out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.

(Plus, I am going skiing in about a month and a half and need to get some thunder into my thighs before I hit the slopes. I can get fit for then, right?!)

2.  Improve my Socializing
(Perhaps this isn't a great heading. I'm not bad at socializing, I'm pretty good at socializing. Maybe I should say more meaningful socializing? More satisfying friendships? Anyways...)

I have been living in London for about a year and a half now and I have been lucky enough to make some great friends.

Aside from my work lot, all my friends are individuals who I manage to see about once or twice a month. We meet after work or at the weekend, usually for out for dinner and a drink somewhere (which does hinder goal #1!) and it is lush. But, because of our busy lives, different work schedules and living in different parts of London, it really is harder to meet up any more regularly than that. And, as someone who finds it quite hard to fully open up, I need more time to be able to develop close relationships with people. And I need that, I've always been more of a few really good friends person than a lots of kinda friends person. So not really having that in London can make me feel quite lonely at times.

At home, I have my group of forever friends. We have been best friends since nursery, we know everything about each other, and have been through everything together. I love to go out with them and dance the night away, or just get together at someone house in our comfy clothes with a takeaway and some wine, having a good old chat, putting the world to rights.

I miss that when I'm in London.

For 2015, I am going to put more time and effort into developing my friendships here. Open up more and do different things with my friends. Meet new people and get a good old group of us together. I already can't wait!
3. Sort My Life Out ! (Stop being late for everything and leaving everything last minute)
In 2015 I am going to sort my life out.
Literally sort. I have bought a pretty new Filofax and I am on the hunt for a lovely calendar I can hang next to my bed (my most frequented spot).

I am not going to post everyone's birthday card after their birthdays like I did in 2014, kicking myself every time I did. I am not going to buy their birthday presents on my way to meet them. I am not going to forget the birthday of anyone I care about.

I am not going to attend all of my French classes late, because I was doing my homework on the way to the lesson.

I am not going to turn up to work all hot and bothered and sweaty because I have had to run to work to make it on time. I am not going to put everything off until the day before my deadline. My notes are going to be neat and in one place, preferable in a note pad, and not on scraps of paper and post-its scattered around my desk.

After a year and a half in London, I am finally going to register my new address with my bank, credit card and with Specsavers to save my Mam having to forward everything to me, including big boxes of contact lenses and solution. I am going to finally enter in our gas and electricity meter readings online, and pray that we don't own the company crap loads of money. I am going to sign up / register (whatever it is you do) to the electoral register thingy.

Wish me luck - I am going to need it


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